Published on March 30, 2023 - Alma services
Logo Alma Services Algérie de Alma Group

As part of its international development and in order to better serve its clients’ needs, ALMA SERVICES has just opened its entity in Algeria: a 100% ALMA GROUP subsidiary, whose management will be shared between Cédric COLLOMB & Kader BEKHADA, based in Algiers.
Mobile : +213 (0) 770 459 441 ou +33 (0) 671 213 227
Tél. : +213 (0) 982.42.50.00/01 / Fax : +213 (0) 21 89 12 81
Bab Ezzouar Business Center / Tour Nord Est / ALGERS

Published on March 30, 2023 - Alma services

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