Renewal of the MASE certification for one of our ALMA Services agencies

Published on March 01, 2023 - Alma services

On the 12th, january 2023, we received confirmation of the renewal of the MASE certification for one of our ALMA Services agencies:

ALMA Services – North agency, composed by establishments of Wormhout (ANO), Havre (ASH) and Petit Quevilly (ASR).

To remaind, the MASE is a health, safety and environment certification standard. This certification provides proof to our various clients that we have put in place a system to guarantee the management and consideration of the various profesionnal risks within our structures.

The person in charge of the audit emphasised the involvement of all the people involved in the implementation of this approach and the very good perception of the safety culture and behaviour on the ground.

Congratulations to all the team for their participation and their commitment to this success but also on a day-to-day basis ! 🙂

#environnement #commitment #certificationmase

Published on March 01, 2023 - Alma services

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